And it goes a little like this: the site is LIVE.
4th time lucky, right?
jrgoiwj wrgnjoirg oirjhoi wgroijh gkrnoiej weroijgw oij wrhnoierhj gwrojro neriorhjoi groi wgrnoihj ojre oijheioerhj ebhoijwr bsm noijreop sgl/bdmpo nlrjo rpo
Get things in perspective. Lego matters.
3rd ever blog post incoming!
Thick and fast they're coming, thick and FAST.
This is the lobster from my sister's wedding banquet. One of many lobsters actually. And yes, it was delicious.
Birth of a new website
So. Squarespace. The big scary animal of learning a new piece of software can be frightening. I certainly put it off long enough then a friend urged me to try it, so here I am. Cheers Gary....
Many hours were sacrificed at this keyboard to bring you this site for your viewing pleasure
2nd ever post!
So, here we are again! This time, we're testing something else out in the blog section.